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1 Eenheid Boosterset
Een 1-unit boosterset van Foras en Pentax Pumps is een compacte, hoogwaardige oplossing voor het verhogen van de waterdruk in residentiële, commerciële en industriële toepassingen. Het bestaat uit een enkele pomp, een controlesysteem en essentiële componenten om een stabiele waterstroom te garanderen.
✔ Ideaal voor kleine gebouwen en systemen met één zone
✔ Vaste of variabele snelheidsopties beschikbaar
✔ Zorgt voor een consistente druk en efficiëntie
Vaste snelheid boostersets met één pomp en membraantank
Compact, automatisch boostersysteem ontworpen voor het verhogen van de waterdruk in huishoudens en lichte commerciële toepassingen. Het beschikt over een enkele pomp, drukregeling en geïntegreerde veiligheidscomponenten, wat zorgt voor betrouwbare prestaties en eenvoudige installatie.

AQUASET met flowregeling
AQUASET met Flow Control is een compact, volautomatisch boostersysteem dat is ontworpen voor residentiële en lichte commerciële toepassingen. Het beschikt over een geïntegreerd flow control-apparaat, wat zorgt voor een soepele werking, droogloopbeveiliging en constante waterdruk.

Beschikbare Aqua set
2-delige centrifugaal boosterset
De 2-Unit Centrifugal Booster Set van Foras Pumps is een automatische waterdrukverhogende oplossing met hoge capaciteit, ontworpen voor grotere residentiële, commerciële en industriële toepassingen. Het bestaat uit twee centrifugaalpompen, die betrouwbare en efficiënte prestaties bieden voor systemen met een hoge vraag.

Volautomatische vaste snelheid boostersets bestaande uit 2 pompen.
Deze units zijn voorzien van twee KM-serie centrifugaalpompen op één skid, parallel aangesloten. Verkrijgbaar in vaste snelheid met elektronische regeling of variabele snelheid met EPIC/EPIC-A-omvormers voor constante druk. Bekend om hun betrouwbaarheid, gebruiksgemak en lage onderhoudskosten. Installatie van drukvat is vereist.

Fully automatic fixed speed booster sets consisting of 2 pumps
Foras pressurization units include two KB series centrifugal pumps on a single skid, connected in parallel. Available in fixed-speed with electronic control or variable-speed with EPIC/EPIC-A inverters for constant pressure. Designed for reliability, ease of use, and low maintenance. Requires pressure tank installation.

2MN (EN 733)
Fully automatic fixed speed booster sets consisting of 2 pumps
Boosterset are available in fixed speed version with electronic control panel or in variable speed version with EPIC-A or IPFC inverters for constant pressure. The key characteristics of these systems are their reliability, userfriendly operation, and low maintenance needs. Installation of a pressure tank is required.
Zuigverdeler: gegalvaniseerd staal met terugslagkleppen en afsluiters
Persverdeler: gegalvaniseerd staal met manometer en afsluitkleppen, twee aansluitingen in de persverdeler voor directe installatie van druktanks tot 24 liter
Basisframe: gegalvaniseerd staal
Vaste snelheid: elektronisch bedieningspaneel EQ2SM(T) en twee drukschakelaars
Variabele snelheid: inverter EPIC of EPIC-A op elke pomp en twee druksensoren
Druktanks: op aanvraag leverbaar als toebehoren
Suction manifold: galvanized steel with non-return and isolation valves
Delivery manifold: galvanized steel with pressure gauge and isolation valves, two connectors in the delivery manifold for direct installation of pressure tanks up to 24 lt
Base frame: galvanized steel
Fixed speed: electronic control panel EQ2SM(T) and two pressure switches
Variable speed: inverter EPIC or EPIC-A on each pump and two pressure sensors
Pressure tanks: available on request as accessories
Suction manifold: galvanized steel with non-return and isolation valves
Delivery manifold: galvanized steel with pressure gauge and isolation valves, two connectors in the delivery manifold for direct installation of pressure tanks up to 24 lt
Base frame: galvanized steel
Fixed speed: electronic control panel EQ2SM(T) and two pressure switches
Variable speed: inverter EPIC or EPIC-A on each pump and two pressure sensors
Pressure tanks: available on request as accessories
Suction manifold: galvanized steel with non-return and isolation valves
Delivery manifold: galvanized steel with pressure gauge and isolation valves, two connectors in the delivery manifold for direct installation of pressure tanks up to 24 lt
Base frame: galvanized steel
Fixed speed: electronic control panel EQ2SM(T) and two pressure switches
Variable speed: inverter EPIC or EPIC-A on each pump and two pressure sensors
Pressure tanks: available on request as accessories
2 Units Multistage Boosterset
Foras 2-Unit Multistage Boosters ensure reliable water pressure with two multistage centrifugal pumps in parallel. Available in fixed-speed or variable-speed with EPIC/EPIC-A inverters for efficient pressure control. Ideal for residential and industrial use, requiring a pressure tank for optimal performance.
4o mini
Fully automatic fixed speed booster sets consisting of 2 pumps

The Foras 2PLUS Boosterset is an automatic multistage booster system with two centrifugal pumps in parallel for consistent water pressure. Available in fixed-speed or variable-speed with EPIC/EPIC-A inverters. Ideal for residential and industrial use, requiring a pressure tank for optimal performance.

Fully automatic fixed speed booster sets consisting of 2 pumps

The Foras 2PLUSV Boosterset is an automatic multistage booster system with two centrifugal pumps in parallel for consistent water pressure. Available in fixed-speed or variable-speed with EPIC/EPIC-A inverters. Ideal for residential and industrial use, requiring a pressure tank for optimal performance.

Fully automatic fixed speed booster sets consisting of 2 pumps

The Foras 2PLUL-H Boosterset is an automatic multistage booster system with two centrifugal pumps in parallel for consistent water pressure. Available in fixed-speed or variable-speed with EPIC/EPIC-A inverters. Ideal for residential and industrial use, requiring a pressure tank for optimal performance.

Suction manifold: galvanized steel with non-return and isolation valves
Delivery manifold: galvanized steel with pressure gauge and isolation valves, two connectors in the delivery manifold for direct installation of pressure tanks up to 24 lt
Base frame: galvanized steel
Fixed speed: electronic control panel EQ2SM(T) and two pressure switches
Variable speed: inverter EPIC or EPIC-A on each pump and two pressure sensors
Pressure tanks: available on request as accessories
Suction manifold: galvanized steel with non-return and isolation valves
Delivery manifold: galvanized steel with pressure gauge and isolation valves, two connectors in the delivery manifold for direct installation of pressure tanks up to 24 lt
Base frame: galvanized steel
Fixed speed: electronic control panel EQ2SM(T) and two pressure switches
Variable speed: inverter EPIC or EPIC-A on each pump and two pressure sensors
Pressure tanks: available on request as accessories
Suction manifold: galvanized steel with non-return and isolation valves
Delivery manifold: galvanized steel with pressure gauge and isolation valves, two connectors in the delivery manifold for direct installation of pressure tanks up to 24 lt
Base frame: galvanized steel
Fixed speed: electronic control panel EQ2SM(T) and two pressure switches
Variable speed: inverter EPIC or EPIC-A on each pump and two pressure sensors
Pressure tanks: available on request as accessories
2 Units Self-Priming Boosterset
The 2-Unit Self-Priming Boosterset features two self-priming pumps in parallel for consistent water pressure. Ideal for residential, commercial, and industrial use, it ensures efficient water supply with automatic re-priming. Requires a pressure tank for optimal performance.
Fully automatic fixed speed booster sets consisting of 2 pumps.

The Foras 2PLUS A is a fully automatic booster set with two pumps, ensuring stable water pressure. Equipped with EPIC inverters for energy efficiency and precise control, it's ideal for residential, commercial, and industrial applications.

Fully automatic fixed speed booster sets consisting of 2 pumps

Foras pressurization units include two JA150-300 series centrifugal pumps on a single skid, connected in parallel. Available in fixed-speed with electronic control or variable-speed with EPIC/EPIC-A inverters for constant pressure. Designed for reliability, ease of use, and low maintenance. Requires pressure tank installation.

Fully automatic fixed speed booster sets consisting of 2 pumps

Compact and efficient systems with two self-priming pumps mounted on a single skid. Designed for reliable water pressure, they feature parallel connection, suction & delivery manifolds, and options for fixed-speed control with an electronic panel or variable-speed operation with EPIC inverters. Easy to install, low maintenance, and highly efficient. Requires a pressure tank.

Suction manifold: galvanized steel with non-return and isolation valves
Delivery manifold: galvanized steel with pressure gauge and isolation valves, two connectors in the delivery manifold for direct installation of pressure tanks up to 24 lt
Base frame: galvanized steel
Fixed speed: electronic control panel EQ2SM(T) and two pressure switches
Variable speed: inverter EPIC or EPIC-A on each pump and two pressure sensors
Pressure tanks: available on request as accessories
Suction manifold: galvanized steel with non-return and isolation valves
Delivery manifold: galvanized steel with pressure gauge and isolation valves, two connectors in the delivery manifold for direct installation of pressure tanks up to 24 lt
Base frame: galvanized steel
Fixed speed: electronic control panel EQ2SM(T) and two pressure switches
Variable speed: inverter EPIC or EPIC-A on each pump and two pressure sensors
Pressure tanks: available on request as accessories
Suction manifold: galvanized steel with non-return and isolation valves
Delivery manifold: galvanized steel with pressure gauge and isolation valves, two connectors in the delivery manifold for direct installation of pressure tanks up to 24 lt
Base frame: galvanized steel
Fixed speed: electronic control panel EQ2SM(T) and two pressure switches
Variable speed: inverter EPIC or EPIC-A on each pump and two pressure sensors
Pressure tanks: available on request as accessories
Suction manifold: galvanized steel with non-return and isolation valves
Delivery manifold: galvanized steel with pressure gauge and isolation valves, two connectors in the delivery manifold for direct installation of pressure tanks up to 24 lt
Base frame: galvanized steel
Fixed speed: electronic control panel EQ2SM(T) and two pressure switches
Variable speed: inverter EPIC or EPIC-A on each pump and two pressure sensors
Pressure tanks: available on request as accessories
3 Units Multistage Boosterset
3-Unit M Centrifugal Booster Set – A high-capacity, automatic water pressure boosting system designed for large residential, commercial, and industrial applications. Featuring three centrifugal pumps, it ensures maximum efficiency, reliability, and consistent performance for high-demand systems.
Fully automatic variable speed booster sets consisting of 3 pumps

These units feature two KM series centrifugal pumps on a single skid, connected in parallel. Available in fixed speed with electronic control or variable speed with EPIC/EPIC-A inverters for constant pressure. Known for their reliability, ease of use, and low maintenance. Pressure tank installation is required.

Fully automatic fixed speed booster sets consisting of 3 pumps

3PLUS L-H Booster System – Fully automatic, fixed-speed booster set with three pumps, designed for reliable water pressure in residential, commercial, and industrial applications. Ensures efficient performance and consistent flow for high-demand systems.

Suction manifold: galvanized steel with non-return and isolation valves
Delivery manifold: galvanized steel with pressure gauge and isolation valves, two connectors in the delivery manifold for direct installation of pressure tanks up to 24 lt
Base frame: galvanized steel
Fixed speed: electronic control panel EQ2SM(T) and two pressure switches
Variable speed: inverter EPIC or EPIC-A on each pump and two pressure sensors
Pressure tanks: available on request as accessories
Suction manifold: galvanized steel with non-return and isolation valves
Delivery manifold: galvanized steel with pressure gauge and isolation valves, two connectors in the delivery manifold for direct installation of pressure tanks up to 24 lt
Base frame: galvanized steel
Fixed speed: electronic control panel EQ2SM(T) and two pressure switches
Variable speed: inverter EPIC or EPIC-A on each pump and two pressure sensors
Pressure tanks: available on request as accessories